Our Sunday School meets during the worship service each week of the school year, and the children have a great time learning Bible stories, singing songs, and doing craft projects! Meeting during worship has been very convenient for our families, and the children look forward to Sunday School week after week. Our Sunday school also puts on a Christmas program during church every year. The kids have lots of fun exploring the Christmas story through these plays.
During the Sunday School time the children experience the same structure as the worship service – The Gathering (opening time in the chapel), The Word (classroom lesson), The Meal (communion/blessing in the sanctuary), The Sending (wrap up, Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Benediction, birthday recognitions).
After church and Sunday school dismissal, children will meet their parents outside. There will be 2 teachers for the class. If you would like to volunteer for a teaching role a sign up sheet will be on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Check here for Sunday School updates.
Youth Group
CLC is pleased to offer Youth Group for students in 6th grade – HS. We would like to put into practice what we have been learning this Summer in worship: loving one another, being a good neighbor, and serving others. We’ll meet at Willow Tree once a month for a bible study and some hands-on work. We will be studying a variety of characters from the Bible in order to help us grow as human beings to better love our neighbors and serve others.
Since Youth Group is meeting off site, parents can drop off students, attend worship and fellowship, and then return to pick up your students.
Check here for youth group updates.