
blue background with the words Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace so certain that you could stake your life on it one thousand times. -Martin Luther

We at Christ Lutheran Church invite and welcome everyone who seeks a deeper relationship with Christ to be a part of our community of faith.

No matter who you are, where you are on your journey of faith, or what your life story is, you are welcome here.

We believe that the powerful love and grace of Jesus is for you and for all children of God. You matter and your story matters
to us.

We welcome you!

Pastor Julia Rademacher

Sunday morning worship
9 AM in person
or on Facebook Live.

Come and worship with us!

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Pastel Green Watercolor Paint Stars Bible Verse 
reads "Fear not, for I am with you. Isaiah 41:10"

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10

Welcome to September, Christ Lutheran!

Doesn’t seem that long ago I was saying hello to August. Since writing last, our son Caleb has started his sophomore year of high school, and our daughter Abbey has begun her freshman year at Illinois State University. Time keeps rolling on.
That’s the thing about time, it keeps moving even when you aren’t quite ready for it. This verse from Isaiah has been a comfort for me as our family has experienced a lot of change over the past couple of weeks. The word that most sticks out to me is the word “with.” Do not fear, for I am WITH you.
God doesn’t stand on a cloud somewhere in the sky and shout affirmations at us so that we know God is there. No, God is truly WITH us.
“With” is a powerful word. It means we are truly not alone. Over the course of this year and years to come, you will be hearing this word “with” in all the ways we do life and ministry together at CLC. As we go about serving Jesus and one another, we will focus on being with each other and with Christ. We will focus on our interconnectedness and the gifts and stories of our lives that bring us together as Christ’s body.
I pray that as the Holy Spirit moves us in new and exciting ways, that we will truly deepen our connections with each other. The more we share of ourselves with the love of Christ, the stronger our faith becomes and stronger our church becomes.

WITH you in ministry,

Pastor Julia



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