
blue background with the words Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace so certain that you could stake your life on it one thousand times. -Martin Luther

We at Christ Lutheran Church invite and welcome everyone who seeks a deeper relationship with Christ to be a part of our community of faith.

No matter who you are, where you are on your journey of faith, or what your life story is, you are welcome here.

We believe that the powerful love and grace of Jesus is for you and for all children of God. You matter and your story matters
to us.

We welcome you!

Pastor Julia Rademacher

Sunday morning worship
9 AM in person
or on Facebook Live.

Come and worship with us!

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August Blessings, CLC!

As we are heading into the final stretch of summer and are gearing up for many things this fall, these words from the Apostle Peter really are challenging words for all of us to take to heart. This is a loaded statement!
I think about all the ways that our nation and world are doing the exact opposite of what Peter is saying. We as human beings do not always do a great job at using our gifts, speaking in ways that glorify God, and serving others as Jesus did. In fact, I would be so bold to say that it has become the norm that we do the exact opposite.
What would our lives and our world be like if we really took these words to heart? How would we live each day if we truly focused on using our gifts and abilities to build one another up and serve those who are in need? Not just doing these things, but doing them with the power and strength that God gives us?
If you have been watching the Olympics, there is a great story about one of the male gymnasts—Stephen Nedoroscik:

“When he didn’t progress in gymnastics like he wanted to, he threw himself into the one event he excelled at: the pommel horse. He’s won all sorts of competitions as an event specialist, and literally was put on the team because he scores so big on this one apparatus.
During today’s team finals, he spent the day bringing his teammates water, giving high fives, and cheering on every performance with incredible enthusiasm. And then it was his turn.
Nedoroscik was the last athlete to compete on the team’s last rotation. He needed to hit his routine for the Americans to end a 16-year medal drought. No pressure.
It was build-up right out of an iconic sports movie (Do you believe in miracles?)
While the pressure kept building in the gym, he meditated. A slight smile crept onto his face when he heard the cheers for his teammate’s score. And then, like Clark Kent turning into Superman, he took off his jacket, removed his glasses, and puffed out his chest—and HE NAILED IT!
Be unapologetically and unabashedly you in every way possible,”
(credit to Whitney Flemming Writes)

When we take seriously the call to serve others and use our gifts, amazing and wonderful things happen. It doesn’t matter how small a gift it is—sharing it to help someone else—your neighbor (or an Olympic team) makes a difference. All we have to do is be who God created us to be and share it with the world.

In partnership with you,

Pastor Julia



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