
blue background with the words Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace so certain that you could stake your life on it one thousand times. -Martin Luther

We at Christ Lutheran Church invite and welcome everyone who seeks a deeper relationship with Christ to be a part of our community of faith.

No matter who you are, where you are on your journey of faith, or what your life story is, you are welcome here.

We believe that the powerful love and grace of Jesus is for you and for all children of God. You matter and your story matters
to us.

We welcome you!


The parking lot and roads are too icy to safely gather. Stay home and safe today. Find this week’s devotion and message on this page: DEVOTION

Blessings to all!

Pastor Julia Rademacher

Sunday morning worship
9 AM in person, on Facebook
or on the website.

Come and worship with us!

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“He has told you, O mortal, what is good,
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

Whenever we see God say in scripture, “Here’s what the Lord requires of you,” we should sit up and take special attention. This is God telling us what is good, important, and what is non-negotiable! As the prophet Micah tells us, God requires us to do justice. God requires us to love kindness. God requires this of you and me and to walk humbly with God.
This month of February at Christ Lutheran we are entering into a new stewardship theme of VOICE. What does it mean for us to use our voices to glorify God? What does it mean for us to use our voices in the ways that God requires of us?
As we live out our faith in the coming weeks, I challenge each of us to think about how we can use our voice to uplift others. What is it that we can do to make another person feel loved? Included? Cared for? What if we did this for someone who we may have never talked to before or someone who is deemed an ‘outsider’?
What if we used our voices to share Christ’s love even when it’s difficult or makes our voice shake? Doing justice and kindness isn’t always easy because most of the time the world is telling us that what really matters is safety and security. We often feel safe and secure when we keep to ourselves in our little bubbles of our own patterns and beliefs. It’s scary to step outside of our comfort zones and see where God is working in places we aren’t used to.
However, this is our requirement. This is what the church is called to do. Christ Lutheran, will you join me in living out this assignment from our God who called us into action?

I look forward to your partnership,

Pastor Julia